Quick Trader Joe’s Grooming Guide [Show to your Partner]

Posted by Richard Norris on

Your partner is showing you this because:

  • They want you to look great
  • This is a really quick cheat sheet
  • You can share these products. It’ll probably cost you nothing.

The formula:

One store. Five products. Eight cleverly engineered steps.

One store:

Trader Joe’s 

Five products:

See featured picture above (Hint, it’s near the toilet paper).

Eight steps:

1. Steam a washcloth and lightly rub face for 15 seconds
This will remove dead skin cells
2. Use 5 sprays of TJ’s Toner to your face 
Don’t ask what this does, it’s good for you.
3. Use 3 drops of TJ’s Argan Oil: Forehead, Left and Right Cheek 
(The one in the brown bottle)
4. Use 3 dots of the clear bottled TJ’s Serum: 
Forehead, Left and Right Cheek again
5. Use 3 more sprays of TJ’s Toner.
It makes the next step easier, I promise
6. Use 3 drops of TJ’s Rose Oil:
One to forehead, one to each cheek and one to each side of the neck
7. Use a small (penny sized) lot of the TJ’s Enrich. 
Rub it in well.
8. Repeat step 7
It’ll protect you better from the sun. Scientific explanation here.

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