Parents judging you for traveling to Amsterdam

Posted by Richard Norris on

If you answer yes to any of the below questions, please show the rest of this article to your disapproving parent.

  • Did you just book your ticket to the Netherlands?
  • Parents still not buying it despite your best efforts? 
  • Are you actually going there to partake in unholy activities?

__________________________cut here__________________________________

Dearest of Mothers and Fathers,

I am a scholarly sophisticate whose efforts to explore the greatest achievements of European progressivism have brought me forth on the core leg of this journey.

The Netherlands has a long history of trading and can, therefore, bestow upon me great wisdom to ensure my future success in the world. 

Amsterdam invented the stock market.


It's a safe and clean city with zero dangerous neighborhoods.


Workers in the Red Light district all have health care.


The Dutch have a long history of trading, and you can find almost any food from around the world.


Therefore, I formally request that, granted with your mightiest of powers, that you bestow upon me your blessing for traveling forth on this quest of knowledge for I am a scholar seeking to broaden my historical understandings of the world's pioneering forces.


[insert your name here]


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