I first caught the travel bug about two years ago when I booked my first trip to the UK. I traveled here and there when I was younger, but this was an entirely fresh experience for me. Since then I've found every possible way to travel more.
Here are my tips to extend your stay:
Minimize accommodation spend:
Websites like Staydu can set you up with places to crash for free, cheap places to rent or room and board in exchange for some work. Staydu is especially cool because it offers all three accommodation options in one place so you don’t have to search across multiple sites.
Make Contacts
Knowing people can save you a lot of money and make travel more rewarding so spread the word about where you’re going and make contacts. Maybe a friend of a friend in Ecuador needs help on their farm or your aunt’s pool boy is studying abroad in Bulgaria and would love to let you stay indefinitely. You never know what opportunities will pop up. Keep flexible!
Account for Everything
When you’re making a travel budget, don’t forget the boring things:
- Insurance
- Credit card payments
- Student loans
- Unexpected lame cash drains ( i.e. getting scammed or pickpocketed).
Bonus: Set everything on auto-pay before you leave so you don't have any unwanted surprises later on.
Go Slow
This gives you a more authentic experience while helping you stay away from home even longer. It’s about more than just relocating from one place to another. Yes, you can opt for buses instead of planes but beyond that, its staying put in one place for longer and enjoying the slow life. Cook a meal from scratch instead of eating out. Go for a walk instead of a whirlwind sightseeing tour.
What’s your advice for making travel last longer?