Relationship status: deathly afraid of blood tests

Posted by Richard Norris on

When I was 10, my mom took me to a doctor to get my blood tested for the first time. I was convinced that it would be just a pinch. By the second vial of blood, I passed out. From that moment on, it's been a hard pass for anything involving a needle and a vein. 

But what about STD checks? Knowing your status is incredibly important, and I'm more scared of the unknown than I am of a needle. 

Here's how I've made blood tests less horrible:

1. They don't need to take it from your inner elbow
My childhood trauma is directly associated with one needle, one spot and one procedure. Taking blood from the rest of my arm never seemed as traumatizing to me. I just recently got an STD screening and my nurse was more than happy to draw from wherever I pointed to.
2. I don't like surprises
I always ask the nurse exactly how many vials of blood would be drawn (may not work for everyone.) This prepares me for what to expect since most of the time it's not just one vial, but you also want to know if it's going to be 5. If having so much drawn at once makes you uncomfortable, ask if you can spread the tests out over multiple visits. 
3. Bring ALL the carbs.
Before going in, ask your doctor if you can bring your favorite candy or dessert. That way, you have something you actually like to restore your blood sugar levels. I'd rather tempt myself with a Red Velvet Sprinkles Cupcake. Omg.
The important takeaway is that it's scarier to not know if you have any sort of condition that may be going untreated. For me, it's 50% guilt-tripping myself and 50% tempting myself with something delicious and gluttonous.
P.S. It's absolutely free to get tested :) Also, if you need free medical advice via the phone, I've dropped links below:

Note: this is not medical advice. Contact your local licensed medical doctor to discuss any questions or concerns further.

Stay safe and stay healthy my loves,




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