Skin Acids Explained

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Relationship status: deathly afraid of blood tests

Posted by Richard Norris on

When I was 10, my mom took me to a doctor to get my blood tested for the first time. I was convinced that it would be just a pinch. By the second vial of blood, I passed out. From that moment on, it's been a hard pass for anything involving a needle and a vein. 

But what about STD checks? Knowing your status is incredibly important, and I'm more scared of the unknown than I am of a needle. 

Here's how I've made blood tests less horrible:

1. They don't need to take it from your inner elbow
My childhood trauma is directly associated with one needle, one spot and one procedure. Taking blood from the rest of my arm never seemed as traumatizing to me. I just recently got an STD screening and my nurse was more than happy to draw from wherever I pointed to.
2. I don't like surprises
I always ask the nurse exactly how many vials of blood would be drawn (may not work for everyone.) This prepares me for what to expect since most of the time it's not just one vial, but you also want to know if it's going to be 5. If having so much drawn at once makes you uncomfortable, ask if you can spread the tests out over multiple visits. 
3. Bring ALL the carbs.
Before going in, ask your doctor if you can bring your favorite candy or dessert. That way, you have something you actually like to restore your blood sugar levels. I'd rather tempt myself with a Red Velvet Sprinkles Cupcake. Omg.
The important takeaway is that it's scarier to not know if you have any sort of condition that may be going untreated. For me, it's 50% guilt-tripping myself and 50% tempting myself with something delicious and gluttonous.
P.S. It's absolutely free to get tested :) Also, if you need free medical advice via the phone, I've dropped links below:

Note: this is not medical advice. Contact your local licensed medical doctor to discuss any questions or concerns further.

Stay safe and stay healthy my loves,




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Guide to Skin Oils

Posted by Richard Norris on

Types of Oils:

Dry Oils: absorbed quickly, do not tend to leave your skin feeling oily
Wet Oils: absorbed slowly, will leave your skin feeling oily
Useful Definitions:
Oxidation: when a product degrades after being exposed to oxygen
Anti-Oxidants: prevents your skin from aging when exposed to the elements.
Carrier Oil: helps dilute the main oil being applied to your skin so your skin is not overloaded with an intense product, helps prevents allergic reactions. (source).
Popular Botanical Oils:
1. Vitamin E Oil
Should be on the dry side. Carrier oil (can be anything) infused with vitamin E. Said to give you a glow. Watch for the carrier oil and the density of the vitamin E in the oil.
2. Argan Oil
On the dry side. Excellent for hair and nails, but not always excellent for the face. The product can degrade over time and cause a skin allergy. 
3. Jojoba Oil:
Dry oil (technically a liquid wax.) Preserves well over time. Can be used as both a cleanser and a moisturizer. One of the least irritating oils out there, and is good for acne-prone skin. (source)
4. Olive Oil:
Wet oil. Balances your moisture levels because of its lower oxidation. Also contains vitamin K. Natural anti-inflammatory, which may reduce redness (source).
5. Coconut Oil:
Completely wet oil. Moisturizes skin with fatty acids and has beneficial antioxidant properties. Important to note that unrefined "virgin" is much better (source).
6. Avocado Oil:
Dry oil similar to coconut oil, but antioxidant properties and fatty acids to help moisturize the skin (source).



Note: Skincare preservatives are your friend.

Products that contain the oils listed above will preservatives. These are key in making sure that the product does not degrade over time and cause skin irritation. Buying the oils alone and applying them to the skin doesn't guarantee that the chemical composition of the oils is intact by the time you apply it to your skin. 

See also:  

Dr. Dray's Youtube Channel is an incredible wealth of information from a board-certified dermatologist (disclaimer: it's not medical advice) Source


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My top-5 favorite post-one-night-stand morning activites (ranked)

Posted by Richard Norris on

1. That awkward death-breath stroll to get coffee together

There's nothing I love more than forcing hangover conversation with someone I just met before starting my day with a balanced almond milk tumeric latte.

2. The "do you think we'll see each other again" 

The best way to bring closure to a one night stand is by leaving with an open-ended statement.

3. Classic "Omg last night was so weird this guy kept like talking to us"

Reminiscing the night before is a good way to establish bonds with your temporary bedroom comrade.

4. "Oh shite I'm so late, I have to go" at 5:42 am

Frantically leaving at the crack of dawn will have them thinking that you're mysterious. and busy!

5. Ghosting

That's not nice. At least make the bed before blocking them on Grindr!


What are your go-to's? Comment below!

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Happily drinking alone today

Posted by Richard Norris on

For whoever needed to read this:

  • being alone is okay.
  • doing things alone is okay.
  • you don't need others to validate you in this world.

Open up that gorgeous bottle of Trader Joe's rose and pour yourself that damn glass*. It's been a long day and you're over it. "Yes my day was lovely!" you tell your wine as it winks back at you seductively.

Climb into bed. Throw on netflix.



I'm going to bed now y'all. (three hops this time)

With love, 


*We are legally not allowed to recommend underage drinking so sorry loves!!

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